Sunday, December 7, 2008

Newbie Joins the Blogworld

What better time to start a garden blog than winter. Writing about gardening is a distraction from the northern chill outside. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the last eight months in my garden and make decisions about what to do in the year ahead. I know there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of garden blogs, so why one more?

I am blogging as a personal challenge, a journey into something new. I love and have a passion for gardening. Plus, I want and need to experience social media first hand. Marry the two, add my vast personal photo library, and a blog is born – a perfect way to showcase my gardens and garden adventures. However this journey is not without some fear.

Going public with a blog is a scary commitment. Can I write on a regular schedule? Can I come up with interesting topics? Will I have anything worthwhile to say? Can I make it entertaining? I have been thinking about this for months and months and it’s just time to jump in and see where it takes me. Less process. Simply act! Here I go…


  1. You are off to a great start! Your photography is beautiful, and it is always a pleasure to read comments from a fellow hosta lover.
    Enjoy your new winter activity.

  2. Robyn,

    Great job! I forgot to ask how I could add to your blog on Woodchucks. I have had several experiences successfully catching them. How can I add to you blog?


  3. How exciting - comments! I forgot to check if there were comments and just got to reading these. Thank you for the feedback. Hostanana, as you can imagine, I will have a series of posts over time about hosta. I only hope I can keep the blog topics balanced over time as hosta does consume a large portion of my gardening efforts.

    Dick, I would love to feature your experiences on woodchucks. Send me an email and we'll talk.

  4. I think you have a lovely blog that other bloggers will enjoy. Your photographs are great, and your gardens wonderful.



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